Sunday, October 27, 2013

Starving Entertainer

Having a lot of fun with these inky drawings. Drew my friend Marc, except made him more handsome. OOOOOH SNAPPPPP!!!
 Here's a short film of the comic too.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Some Inked Stuff

Having some more fun with this.

That hand is a film concept of mine that I may expand on sometime in the future.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Some Inked Trees

My illustration teacher inked a tree for Inktober 2013 and I wanted to do it too! Thanks Cliff!
This little experiment was actually kinda fun.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Game Jam: Remote Action

Participated in this year's Game Jam presented by both VGDC & PMC (Video Game Design Club & the Pencil Mileage Club) at CSUF. The event is basically a 3-day marathon to complete a game by the end of the weekend. The programmers program the game while the artists make the art. Go figure.

Our group's game was called Remote Action and takes place in the 80s. The characters are the Kid, the Hero, and Alien Robots. The Kid has a TV remote that can rewind, pause, and fast-forward time. The Hero (which I've labeled "Cop" on the production sheets) is a police officer who aids the Kid by killing off the Alien Robots (labeled "Robots"on production sheets). There is probably a lot more to the story, but that's up to the lead programmer of the project.

Here are my character designs and prop designs.

I also designed symbols for the interface, but didn't bother uploading it here because of the shear simplicity of the designs. I was told to design a splash page so I came up with this:

It was pretty fun. When the game is complete, I'll definitely drop a link.